With everything that is going on in our world today with COVID-19. We here at ReCoup Esthetics want to provide not only ourselves but to our clients to the highest form of safety possible. We have now implemented new conditions. Appointment times will be spaced out according to services that are scheduled for proper cleaning and disinfecting between clients. Hands must be properly washed and temperatures will be taking before start every appointment. Any client with a temperature above 99 F will be asked to leave and appointment will be reschedule. Please, if you are having symptoms of fever, coughing, nausea (just feeling sick). Reschedule your appointment. Because of appointments are now limited, please do not bring any extra guest with you. As we would still like to practice social distancing. We ask that if you show up to your appointment early, please wait in your vehicle. We will call you once its time for your appointment. We are asking all clients to wear Masks. If you don’t have one on arrival, one will be provided. There will also be a form that you must sign to ensure that you agree and comply with these terms. Thank You so much for all your calls, texts, messages and patience during these strange and crazy times. We will all get through this time together. Again, Thank You and God Bless.

Please arrive to your scheduled appointment on time and ready to be serviced. Recoup Esthetics strives to provide a relaxing and intimate atmosphere; therefore, we ask that you please do not bring any extra guest during your appointment. *Anyone under the age of 17 must have a parent or legal guardian present during the appointment. The parent or legal guardian must sign an agreement giving the client permission receive a service. Failure to do so will result in cancellation of appointment.

Late Fee,Cancellation & No-Shows

If you will be running late to your appointment, please send a courtesy call or text stating that you will be running late. You will have a 10 minute grace period. After the 10 minute grace period, you will be charged with a $10 late fee. If you are late 15 minutes or more, your appointment will be canceled (cancellation fee will be applied).If you would like a Before or After hours appointment, a automatic $20 fee will be added.

We ask that you please reschedule or cancel your appointment 24 hours before the beginning of your appointment or you maybe charged a cancellation fee of $30. Same day cancellations or No-Show your appointment, you will be charged the 100% of your service.

If there is a continuation of failure to cancelling appointments within the appointed time frame or no call/no show will result in client being placed on a “walk-in only” category. This means that you the client will have to personally contact me in order to schedule your appointments. I understand things happen, but please try to be courteous of my time as well other clients appointment.